
Services in Kuhmo

Services in Kuhmo

There are accommodation services in the centre of Kuhmo but also close to wilderness. In the restaurants and cafés of Kuhmo it is possible to taste local traditional pastries.

Cafe and tourist info at the market square of Kuhmo.

Open from monday to friday 9am.-5pm. and saturdays 10am.-3pm.

Cafe in Kuhmo Arts Center.

Tel. 0400 202 833
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Address: Koulukatu 1, 88900 KUHMO

Service in the following languages: Finnish, English

Lunchroom from Monday to Friday.

Tel. 086521573



Address: Koulukatu 3, 88900 Kuhmo

Service in the following languages: Finnish, English.

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Address:Hotelli Kainuu Oy, Kainuuntie 84, 88900 Kuhmo
Service in the following languages: Finnish, English.

Lunch from Monday to Friday

Address: Matkustajakoti Uljaska, Koulukatu 38, 88900 Kuhmo

Service in the following languages: Finnish.

Address:Matkakoti Parkki, Vienantie 3, 88900 KUHMO
Service in the following languages: Finnish.

Bakery and Cafe in the centre of Kuhmo

Open Mon-Fri 7-17, Sat 7-14. 

Service in the following languages: Finnish, English
